Sunday, February 10, 2008

Life Concentrate! (Memoirs in Six Words)

I recently came across this interesting article and was inspired to write my own autobiography in six words. What I found is that this is both a lot of fun and incredibly frustrating. How do we condense our lifetime of experience, love, loss, triumph, heartbreak, fart jokes into just six words?

Here are some of my attempts.

-Passionately, I lived, loved, hated, died.

-Wanted to be Bea Arthur. Failed.

-Ate meat. Then didn’t. Found compassion.

-Drank too much. Quit. Discovered peace.

-Will the real Donn stand up?

-Seemed to have misplaced my dreams.

-Spent too much time answering phones.

-Read with abandon. Glimpsed God there.

-Met Meryl, but never banged Brody.

-Alas, I am just too much.*

*Thanks, Bette Davis. I stole that line from a Barbara Walters interview she once did.

1 comment:

I Heard Tell said...

Neat! I think mine would be 'Never stopped laughing at stupid things'.