Monday, February 25, 2008

Roadblock: A Response

I write this blog as a response to this op-ed that appeared in "The Aspen Times". I really, in all honesty, did not want to dignify this editorial with a response, but in all good conscience, I have to. If only to prove to the article's author, Gary Hubbell, that the "voiceless" people he abhors so much are not so voiceless, or scared to use that voice, anymore.

I am all for freedom of speech. I have no problem with people voicing their opinion in the proper forum, and I thank God every day that I live in a country that permits such freedoms. I come from a long line of veterans, including my dad, and not a day goes by that I don't feel gratitude for the sacrifices they, and countless others, have made, so that you and I and Mr. Hubbell can perch before our computer screens and pen outraged letters about the state of the union. Questioning our government is one of the most potent political moves any American can undertake, and I do not do so lightly. Just as the Founding Fathers questioned their government, I realize the innate risks and potential liberations of challenging both those in power and those that comprise the status quo.

I don't know who Mr. Hubbell is fooling, but apparently he's fooling a lot of people since this editorial is now circulating the internet. What he's done is vigorously reinforced every single prejudice of American society and called it "Patriotism". He started his article laying out a series of ideas, then completely contradicted each one of them. He is a prime example of someone who wants us to live as firmly rooted in the past as possible and will only vote for the candidate that reflects that view.

Mr. Hubbell clearly feels he and others like him make up the majority of this status quo. In his eyes, the status quo is a bunch of "Angry White Men". He makes a number of assertions regarding the common Angry White Man. He says things like last name, religion, and political affiliation are irrelevant when it comes to defining the Angry White Man. Yet he also makes it a point to say that the Angry White Man: a) has issues with children of illegal immigrants -- which, let's be honest, we all were at some point in our ancestral lineage (last name); b) goes to church every Sunday (religion), and c) put George W. Bush into office (political affiliation). So clearly, last name, religion, and political affiliation do indeed matter.

He claims the
Angry White Man is from all manner of socioeconomic backgrounds, from all walks of [American] life, but in the same breath says that most Angry White Men are independent businessmen who employ several people.

He is also convinced that the
Angry White Man is not racist, or sexist, or anti-gay. Though at the same time he avers that there is no logic to the viewpoints of certain African-American leaders (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Barack Obama among them); that women are "more emotional than rational"; that he despises Hillary Clinton for -- from what I can deduce -- no reason OTHER than the fact that she's a woman; that the Angry White Man is never -- gasp! -- gay.

So of course he doesn't like that both an African-American AND a woman are running for president. That scares the hell out of him. Every piece of discriminatory rhetoric he's been absorbing his entire life (we all know that behavior like this is learned early on) is now being flung back at him with a fierce power. The bogeymen and bogeywomen of his nightmare America are finally gaining the keys to the kingdom. Mr. Hubbell knows that soon, HE will be one of the "disenfranchised", "marginalized", and "voiceless" for the first time in the history of this country. The rest of us have stood on the sidelines long enough.

The rest of us watched in horror as Angry White Men have run this country to the current state it's in today. Some of them did a fantastic job and were indisputable leaders and inspirations. Some of them failed miserably and behaved worse than criminals. Well, the Angry White Man obviously hasn't done much worth lauding in recent years, so now it's our turn.

Our turn. Women. Non-whites. Gays. Hold onto your archaic ideals, Mr. Hubbell, because WE are the new status quo. You've had your turn and you really f---ed it up, as is evident in your op-ed, by the sheer ignorance and arrogance of your stance. You want a level playing field, but you've had ample opportunity to stand up and offer one. For example, did you know that I can get fired or be refused housing in nearly every state in the union, just because I'm gay? What kind of fair game is that, I ask you? I don't know ANYONE -- female, black, gay, whatever -- who wants SPECIAL rights in the eyes of the law. We want your supposedly-welcome "level playing field" just as much as you do. We just want the SAME rights and the SAME chances to beat you.

And come November, we will.

The world is not the same place it was fifty, twenty-five, even ten years ago. The populace is ever-evolving, ever-changing. To quote Mr. Dylan, get out of the new road if you can't lend a hand. Hang back with the apes if you must, but clear the way for the majority of us who see a light at the end of the road.

I know it's scary for you and your clan of Angry White Men, Mr. Hubbell. I admit that a new, stronger status quo, full of hairy-legged women's-libbers and big-mouthed queers and Harvard-educated African-Americans, will be frightening for you.

But, unlike you did for us, we'll protect you.

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